CanROC is nation-wide consortium comprised of research staff, clinical scientists, and medical responders. The network is broken down into multiple sites across Canada, with each site organizing research and patient care improvement efforts locally. The Canadian Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium currently includes the following sites:

Beyond the site level, CanROC’s governance is guided by several committees, each with an individual mandate that contributes to the achievement of CanROC’s overall strategic goals. A list of our standing committees can be seen below.

Additionally, CanROC believes it is important to maintain transparency and keep the Canadian public informed about our research initiatives. Please see the documents below for a summary of our governance and information practices, as well as recent findings from a threat risk and privacy impact assessment.

CanROC Standing Committees

Steering Committee

The Steering committee is responsible for making decisions regarding all aspects of CanROC, including the creation of other committees and access to CanROC data. The committee bases these decisions on legitimacy and voice, strategic direction, performance, accountability, and fairness. The Steering Committee holds an annual CanROC Assembly to share information, build relationships, and ensure the voices of all CanROC members and partners are heard.

Current Chair: Sheldon Cheskes

Co-PIs/Rotating Chairs: Sheldon Cheskes, Jim Christenson, Christian Vaillancourt

Terms of Reference

Cardiac Arrest Committee

The Cardiac Arrest Committee provides guidance and oversight of cardiac trials and registry studies based in the Canadian population. This committee focuses on the outcomes of cardiac arrest as a function of time to treatment, transport decisions, socioeconomic factors, bystander intervention, early recognition of cardiac arrest, and several other contributing factors.

Chair: Brian Grunau and Chris Fordyce

Public Engagement Committee

The Public Engagement Committee aims to facilitate meaningful, active collaboration between the public (including patients, survivors, family, and the general public) and CanROC. Top priorities include governance, priority setting, conduct of health research, and the dissemination and application of knowledge gained.

Chairs: Katie Dainty and Matthew Church

Publications Committee

The Publications Committee establishes policies and approves protocols/publications from all studies and trials involving CanROC investigators and data. The Publications committee is involved with: the formation of writing groups, preparation and review of manuscripts, authorship, abstracts and presentation, and data requests in regards to publications.

Chair: Christian Vaillancourt

EMS Committee

The EMS Committee will be the primary liaison for all paramedic and fire services participating in CanROC. This committee establishes policies and represents the opinions of EMS and fire services and their respective medical directors. The EMS Committee will oversee communications between EMS/Fire, data acquisition, and the development and implementation of strategies for the registry and trials.

Chair: Ryan Lee

Data Management Committee

The Data Management Committee regulates the input, quality assurance, and maintenance of data received from participating agencies. Data is used for research and to provide a comprehensive CQI and public health surveillance resource to participating EMS services. All data is stored at a common Canadian data warehouse.

Chair: Courtney Truong

Pediatric Committee

The Pediatric Committee examines pediatric-focused cardiac arrest in the Canadian population. Each working group works closely with other committees to ensure CanROC’s efforts include a strong focus on pediatric resuscitation. They will look at the outcomes of cardiac arrest along with the impact the committee makes on CanROC research.

Chair: Allan de Caen

Data Access Committee

CanROC’s Data Access Committee will work closely with the Publications Committee. The purpose of this committee is to govern requests to data and ensure concerns such as patient privacy, ethics, and other risks are addressed prior to releasing CanROC data. Membership includes CanROC investigators and research staff, unaffiliated scientists and public members, and experts in the field of privacy and ethics.

Chair: Eli Segal

Trainee and Early Career Researcher Support Committee

The CanROC Trainee and Career Development Committee is tasked with building a cohesive, collaborative training and career development program in resuscitation, through definitive and implementable training and career support strategies for Canada. A number of participating CanROC sites offer a variety of opportunities for training and mentoring.

Chair: Shannon Leduc and Damyen Henderson-Lee Wah

CanROC Assembly

The CanROC Assembly is comprised of all CanROC participants, with membership from all CanROC agencies, institutions, and collaborators. The CanROC Assembly convenes once a year to review past progress, assess current status, and set future directions. This annual meeting is held each spring at a different CanROC site.