Public engagement occurs when the public – including patients, survivors, family, and the general public – meaningfully and actively collaborate in the governance, priority setting, and conduct of health research, as well as in summarizing, distributing, sharing, and applying the knowledge gained. Examples of how the public might engage with research include:

  • Helping to develop research questions and relevant outcome measures to ensure that the project and its results will be useful and important to patients, families, and the public.
  • Defining the characteristics of study participants to minimize the risk that certain patients will be mistakenly excluded.
  • Designing the study to minimize disruption to patient, family, and public participants thereby increasing recruitment and retention in studies.

The Canadian Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (CanROC) has made a strong commitment to survivor and public engagement in all of our research and public health initiatives.


The public, including survivors, families, and the general public, are active partners in Canadian resuscitation research that will lead to improved health outcomes and an enhanced health care system.


The Public Engagement Committee

Since its inception CanROC has had a standing Public Engagement Committee. The mandate of this committee is:

  • To develop and implement a patient and public engagement strategy for the Canadian Resuscitation Outcomes Consortium (CanROC)
  • To facilitate inclusion of patients, family members, and public citizens in all CanROC committees and projects

The committee meets quarterly via teleconference is currently looking for additional public members. If you are interested in hearing more about this Committee please contact the co-chair, Dr. Katie Dainty.

Involvement in Research Teams

A list of all active CanROC studies can be found in the Registry Analyses or Interventional Studies sections of our website. if you are interested in participating as a research team member (not as a research participant) on any of the active projects, please email the contact listed for each study and they can provide more information about opportunities for involvement.

The Bystander Network

Have you witnessed a public cardiac arrest or done CPR on a victim of cardiac arrest? If so, please consider joining the new Bystander Network – a virtual community for members of the public who have witnessed or responded to a cardiac arrest.

If you are interested in becoming involved in CanROC, please contact Dr Katie Dainty for more information.